Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


Our classes are Elm and Oak.

Elm: Your teacher is Mrs Blundell. Your class email address is

Oak: Your teacher this year is Mr Matthews. Your class email address is


In English this term, we are beginning with reading a contemporary detective novel, Lori and Max. We will move on to studying the poetry of Karl Nova and his book, Rhythm and Poetry. We are excited for the guest appearance from Karl Nova himself who will teach and perform some poetry to the children. After half-term, we will be reading a text linked to our topic of World War 2. We will be covering a range of writing styles, including fiction, non-fiction, formal and informal writing. During this term, we will also be making sure the children have covered the appropriate grammar knowledge from last year and this.

In Maths, we will be following our Maths - No Problem! curriculum. We will start by recapping on our knowledge of place value and spending time ensuring that the children’s number skills and calculation strategies are at the correct level. We will then move onto building our fluency when using decimals, fractions and percentages.

In Science this half term, we will learn about electricity and how it travels. We will use a range of equipment to create different circuits and investigate how and why components work.  

In Topic this term, our History work will revolve around the Second World War. We will explore how the war began, how people’s lives were affected during the time and important dates and events. To fully immerse ourselves in this topic, we will have a visit from ‘Splatt Theatre’ for a drama day on the 22nd September. Additionally, we will be going on a school trip to Chislehurst Caves on the 12th October to explore WW2 shelters.

In Art, we will be starting our year with colour theory work with each year group investigating colours and how they work together in a variety of different ways. We will also be creating a range of tints and shades from a limited palette.

In Computing, our focus will be Tinkercad. Using Tinkercad, we will develop our knowledge and understanding of using a computer to produce 3D models, including desk tidies, keyrings and buildings.

In Spanish, we will consolidate our knowledge by creating a booklet in which children write about themselves using new and recycled information - where they live, food, sports, pets, games, favourite pastimes, family and friends. They will use the present tense and be introduced to the conditional. After half term, they will be introduced to the weather together with related verbs, building knowledge of Spanish geography and related vocabulary. Their final project will be to research of a certain area in Spain, its geography, weather, why it is liked or not, and would they visit it or not. Numbers 1-100+ and maths.


Each half term, we will send home a week by week planner of spellings. These will be tested on a Friday. Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week and record this (date, book, pages read) in their reading records. They must also record a reflection at least once a week in their reading records. These could include prediction, summary or thoughts on characters/themes, likes/dislikes. It doesn’t have to be very long. Reading Records must be in school in school every day.


Class PE Days
Elm Thursday and Friday
Oak Wednesday and Friday


Every child needs to bring in a full PE kit including a top of their house team’s colour, clean socks and suitable trainers. Children should come into school in their uniform with their kits in their bag.


Water Bottles

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school. These must be taken home at the end of each day and returned the following day.

Communications between home and school

Please don’t hesitate to contact us on your class email address if you have any concerns or questions.  If you need to speak to us directly about anything, then after school when you pick up your child is the best time.


Thank you for your support.

The Year 6 Team