Year 3

Welcome to Year 3


Our classes are Baobab, Poplar and Sumac.

Baobab: Your teacher is Mrs Irving. Your class email address is

Poplar: Your teacher is Miss Luker. Your class email address is

Sumac: Your teachers are Miss Burnett (Monday & Tuesday) and Mrs Horton (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday). Your class email address is


In English this term, we begin by reading a range of picture books by authors such as Chris Riddell, Sarah Garland and Christopher Gregorowski. We will also use books related to our curriculum areas as a stimulus for our writing.

In Maths, we will be following our Maths - No Problem! curriculum. We will begin the term by exploring the place value of three-digit numbers. Then we will move on to addition and subtraction.

Lifestyle and Anatomy is our topic in Science this half term. We will be exploring questions such as, ‘Do athletes have certain characteristics?’ and ‘What type of nutrients do animals need?’. Next half term, we will explore magnets and forces.

Our key question in Geography this half term is ‘Does the UK have good weather?’. We will look at weather patterns around the world and use globes and torches to find out why we have seasons. Next half term, in History, we will consider why the Romans invaded Britain.

In Art, we will be starting our year with colour theory work investigating colours and how they work together in a variety of different ways. Also, we will use primary and secondary to make tertiary colours.

In Computing, our focus will be Sequencing sounds. We will be exploring the concept of sequencing in programming through Scratch. We begin with an introduction to the programming environment, which will be new to most of us. We will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which we will use to create their own programs, featuring sequences. The final project is to make a representation of a piano.

Now we are in Year 3, we will begin weekly Spanish lessons!  

First Half term: Introducing themselves through basic greetings, age and name. Followed by the introduction of the Spanish alphabet, paying special attention to new letters and sounds. Through games, the children will learn how to spell unaided and to pronounce correctly.

Second half term: Introduction of pencil case vocabulary together with necesito (I need) and tengo (I have) to encourage the use the target language in class. Numbers 1 – 20 laced into every lesson.



Children are expected to learn weekly spellings and will be set English and maths homework on our new online system. Spellings will be tested on a Friday. Children should also continue to practise their times tables.

In addition, children are expected to read a minimum of three times a week and record this in their reading records. We ask that children have their reading records in school daily so we can record when we have heard them read and add any comments.


PE Days

Class PE Days
Baobab Wednesday and Thursday
Poplar Monday and Wednesday 
Sumac Monday and Thursday


Every child needs to bring in a full PE kit including a top of their house team’s colour, clean socks and suitable trainers. Please make sure they also have a tracksuit for when the weather is colder. 

Forest School

For the first half-term, we will also be enjoying Forest School. Please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing in on these days.

Class Forest School Day
Baobab Monday
Poplar Tuesday
Sumac Friday


Please can the children bring their kits in a bag so we can change at school.

Water Bottles

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school. These must be taken home at the end of each day and returned the following day.

Communications between home and school

Please don’t hesitate to contact us on your class email address if you have any concerns or questions.  If you need to speak to us directly about anything, then after school when you pick up your child is the best time. 

If you need to speak to us directly about anything, then we are available before and after school and would be glad to arrange a meeting if necessary.

Thank you for your support.

The Year 3 Team