Year 5

Welcome to Year 5


Our classes are Cherry and Olive.

Cherry: Your teacher is Miss Godwin. Your class email address is

Olive: Your teacher this year is Miss Tarbuck.Your class email address is


In English, we will be starting the term with Cloudbusting by Malorie Blackman which is a narrative told in a series of poems. We will produce a letter of advice, write a poem and finishing off the topic with writing a scene with dialogue (that may include some drama!). After half term, we will be reading a new book called The Book of Hopes and will be writing newspaper reports. We will then write a biography on a person of our choice using the skills of research to create detailed and well-structured writing. Finally, we will be having a debate about whether space tourism is a good or bad thing to accompany our science lessons.

In Maths, we will be following our Maths - No Problem! curriculum. We will continue to start each unit with a recap of the previous year’s learning to ensure that the children have the necessary number skills and strategies. We will begin with place value of numbers to 1 000 000, followed by the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

In Science, we are learning about Forces.The children will learn about how friction is a force between two surfaces. They will complete several experiments which test and evaluate both air and water resistance. In the second half term, we will be learning about Earth and Space. The children will be learning about the Earth, our solar system and beyond. There will be many experiments to help explain concepts like why we have seasons and why the moon changes shape.

In our Topic work, we are studying Water and Natural Resources in Geography. The children will be learning about the geographical features and the global impact of water stress. In the second half term, we will be learning about the Ancient Greeks in History. We will be looking at how the Ancient Greeks influenced us in terms of inventions, politics, art and entertainment.

In Art, we will be starting our year with colour theory work with each year group investigating colours and how they work together in a variety of different ways. We will also be using colours to create 3D artworks

In Computing, our focus will be We are architects! We will be designing and building an art gallery in Sketch Up before importing images of art work to display in our gallery.

Our Spanish this term will be introducing ourselves through song and interrogative words, in which questions they appear and how to use them. Children will be encouraged to structure their own questions. Where is Spanish spoken in the world and why it is useful to learn another language? Children will be introduced to time, to allow them to talk about at what time they undertake certain daily routines. They will also study food vocabulary and regular verbs related to food and be introduced to conjugating verbs. After half term they will learn to  express likes and dislikes related to food, build confidence using because (porque). Numbers 1-100+/ maths


Each half term, we will send home a week by week planner of spellings. These will be tested on a Friday. Times tables will also be tested on Fridays to help with ongoing, rapid recall.

Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week and record this (date, book, pages read) in their reading records. They must also record a reflection at least once a week in their reading records. These could include prediction, summary or thoughts on characters/themes, likes/dislikes. It doesn’t have to be very long. Reading Records must be in school in school every day.



Class PE Days
Cherry Monday and Wednesday
Olive Tuesday and Wednesday


Please ensure that your child always has their PE kit at school. Children should come into school in their uniform with their kits in their bag. Every child needs to bring in a full PE kit including a top of their house team’s colour and suitable trainers. Please make sure they also have a tracksuit for when the weather is colder.

Forest School

Class Forest School Day
Cherry Thursday
Olive Friday


The children will have Forest School during the first half of each term. Please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing in school.

Water Bottles

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school. These must be taken home at the end of each day and returned the following day.

Communications between home and school

Please don’t hesitate to contact us on your class email address if you have any concerns or questions.  If you need to speak to us directly about anything, then after school when you pick up your child is the best time.


Thank you for your support.

The Year 5 Team